This was made for AIE Game Jam 2020, the theme was "Disrupt".
My idea was to have a game where all the enemies only use charge shot type attacks and you are a mage that can only use a disrupting spell.
You need to traverse levels by dodging and disarming your opponents.
I am very proud of the finished product and would like to expand this game at some time.
The game can be downloaded here:
My roles on the team as the Game Designer and Producer:
Wrote and iterated on the GDD.
Created prefabs for the player and the enemies.
Balanced the enemies' stats to make sure that the game is not too frustrating.
Integrated all art assets into the game.
Integrated all spell effects to fit with their enemies.
Tested the game frequently to make sure that it was always up to my standards.
Ran daily SCRUM rituals to make sure that my artists and programmers were on track.
Programmed bits and pieces that would otherwise not be completed in time.