On another restless night, I started thinking of a concept to a custom Magic: The Gathering set. One in which colors aren't balanced.
The only set in MTG that tried it out was Torment, a set leaning towards Black. I wanted to explore that design.
I also wanted to see what Shades could look like if they had tribal support.
TwilightTide is a set in which all cards are White or Black, have White or Black activated abilities, want White or Black permanents or Swamp or Plains.
I designed the set with the thought that every person in the draft table will play a combination using Black or White or play mono of a different color.
Due to the limitations of this design, the set has tons of hybrid costs, which brought me back to Shadowmoor. This set takes place after the events of Eventide and assumes that a battle between light and darkness is now taking place on the plane of Lorwyn.
I designed 249 cards for this set, basing the rarity structure on current MTG sets.
The mechanics used in the set are:
Hybrid mana

Transforming double faced cards



The color combinations for the set are:
BW Shades
GW Tokens
GB Graveyard
RW Agro
RB Sacrifice
UW Blink
UB Mill
I also constructed a mod in Tabletop Simulator in which sealed and draft are completely playable.