This is a game from Global Game Jam 2018.
During this game I was in charge of game design and production for a big team.
The theme was "Home" and we came up with the idea of making a Tetris game in which every piece has a resident in it which always tries to move upwards. Residents can cross doors and meet each other, which causes an interaction that usually has one of them die.
The purpose of the game was to have the most people survive on screen before you have no place to put pieces while water also rises from below to force the residents upwards.
While playtesting we figured out that keeping people alive is too hard and complex, as there are way too many interactions to memorize, so during the final hours we decided to flip the game around and make the purpose to kill as many residents, and the lose condition changed to having 25 residents on board or have the board fill up. Having people die is much easier when you don't know the interactions.
My roles on the team as the Game Designer:
Designing the different tetris-styled rooms and their residents.
Designed all resident interactions- predator, prey or neutral.
Tested the game frequently.
Ran SCRUM rituals with my team.