We had to make a game with "Bones" as a mechanic for our "Time to make a game" unit.
After some brainstorming, we decided on a snowball mechanic in which you try and collect more bones in order to become a big skeletal ball to destroy a town.
I was mainly in charge of level design but also modeled a lot of the assets.
This was done by a 6 person team in the span of 10 workdays. (Half of which was remote work due to the pandemic)
My roles on the team as the Level Designer:
Designed the different obstacle sections used on the slope.
Created prefabs for the player and the obstacles.
Balanced the obstacles' stats to maintain the "1 minute gameplay" feel we were shooting for.
Created art assets that would fit our themes.
Integrated the art assets into the game.
Tested the game frequently to make sure that it was always up to my standards.
Participated in daily SCRUM rituals.